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Why policies?

Schools are busy and complex systems of people and are created for educating the youth. Families and the community at large expect schools to be safe and effective. The most effective way to create safe and supportive learning environments is through the development and implementation of clear and purposeful school policies.


School policies are defined as the set of established expectations for specific behavior and norms within a school. School policies are put in place to guide the day-to-day functioning of the school as well as to make it safe and an effective place for learning to occur.

Available policies

At Jill Schools International we have the following policies:

  • Child protection policy
  • Accident/Incident policy
  • Medical condition policy
  • Arrival and departure policy
  • Sick child policy
  • Lost/Missing child policy
  • Anti-bullying policy
  • Riot policy
  • Spelling policy

School Rules

At Jill Schools International, we have the following school rules. All the students who are following education at JSI Primary, need to follow to these rules.

Monday. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday you will be coming to school in your school uniform.
Wednesday it is sports day, you come to school in your sport clothes.
At JSI Primary we make sure every student feels safe in class.
The student is doing his/her homework.
At JSI Primary we do not allow bullying.
At JSI Primary we respect each other.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) will attend parent/teacher consultations
The student will attend classes in time.

Parent in School

Every year there will be three moments every academic year for parent(s)/guardian(s) and teacher consultations.

The first consultation will find place in the second week of the school year. During this consultation you will meet the teacher from your child. The second consultation will at the beginning from the second term. This consultation will be about the progress of your child. The third moment is at the start of the third term. These consultations will be about the progress from your child during the second term.

Parent committee (PTA)

PTA is a group of parents/guardians, teachers, and staff who have kids or work at Jill Schools International. We all have unique skills, ideas, energy levels, and discretionary time, and we work together to make good things happen throughout the year. We want the children to excel and to know success. We want to keep our school heading in the right direction. We want our teachers and staff to feel appreciated. We want to bridge the gap between the school’s needs and the children’s needs rather than individual pupil’s progress.

The purpose of the Jill PTA is to support the education of children by fostering a cooperative relationship between parents, teachers, support staff, school administrators, and the owners of the school.

In addition, we strive to enhance and support the educational experience, develop a close connection between school and home by encouraging parental involvement, and improve the environment at Jill Schools through skills and ideas from different parents who are experts in different fields.

Mr. M. Chawala is the chairman, you can contact him via: maxfos@gmail.com or +26599955007

PTA Mission

PTA’s mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by making sure the environment and resources are conducive for learning for all children at Jill Schools International.